Experimental rocket motors |
Experimental rocket motors |
On this and the many subsequent linked
pages you'll find information about the workhorse of a rocket, the rocket motor. |
Since the early days of NERO, rocket motor development has been a major activity of the
club. Each motor is given a name and also motor families are developed. Rocket motor qualification is done in three
- development of the propellant, using small quantities of propellant, the propellant
is characterized;
- a motor casing is developed and the motor is tested, not using any measurement
- the motor is tested on a test bench, where a thrust curve (thrust against time) is
The following links will show several motors developed by and in use within the NERO
Look at the smoke signal a rocket motor gives. Il tells you more about the type of
motor used. |
Before use in light-weight flight motors, all propellants are characterized in a heavy
burner, the c*-motor. This motor can be equipped with nozzles varying in diameter of 2 to 10 millimeter. The
c*-motor is protected against over-pressure by two brass safety diaphragms, which burst at 100 or 150 Bar, depending on
the thickness used.
Follow the link to read more about the C* motors, used for propellant
characterization. |
Read more about the Star Grain motor. |
Hybrid rocket motors run on a propellant off which one is a solid (usually the fuel),
and the other one is a gas or liquid (the oxidizer). In corporation with MEROC the HY-4000 hybrid rocket motor
is developed, with nitrous oxide as oxidizer (laughing gas), and polyurethane as a fuel. The oxidizer flow is
controlled by an pneumatic main valve. The air for driving this valve is controlled by a selenoid, which is controlled
by the measurement system. Via a key switch, which is in hands of one of the operators, the system can be shut down at
any time, in case of malfunction. Hybrid tests are very impressive, because their long duration (up to 15 seconds) and
exhaust with clearly visible shock diamonds.
Read more about the HY-4000 hybrid motor, used in the first European hybrid rocket. |
Read more about the Penta motors, high performance motors used for the altitude
record. |
Read more about the Thrust motor: a rigid, cheap and easy to mount motor. |
Read more about the static test bench, used for rocket motor qualification. |